Journaling Ideas and Inspiration

I don’t know about you but I love getting a peek inside of other people’s journals. It doesn’t matter if it’s a travel journal, bullet journal, memory journal or any other kind of journal, I want to see. Before I started journaling I used to think, “oh I don’t travel enough to have a travel journal” or “my month is not interesting enough to document” but those things are simply not true.
I believe the every day moments are worth documenting. I find it so fascinating that there are billions of people in the world and every one of us has a story, a life, to share. What seems like a mundane “day in the life” to one person could actually be very interesting and enjoyable to someone else.
Your latte was especially pretty one Monday? You bet I wanna see it. Your sweet baby had blackberries for the first time and you snapped the cutest photo? Yes, please! It was your birthday and you got the gift of your dreams? Brag it uppp girl! I love the view through another persons lens. It connects us!
Does anyone remember when instagram was a place where we just shared photos for the sake of sharing photos? It was so enjoyable. I think that’s one of the things I love about journaling. It’s like an IG recap of the month, but on paper. It’s tangible and creative and it showcases the things that you found worthy enough to pull out your camera and capture.
Journaling is much more than that though, because along with the photos there are ticket stubs, maps, parking passes, post cards and all of the other little things you collect when you travel, eat out, go to the movies etc.